Our little Miracle

Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40

Monday, November 28, 2011

teeny tiny baby steps.... in the right direction

Today Austin is doing well.  He had a pretty good night.  His belly is distended again, but with a little rectal stimulation he had a large blowout bowel, and then his belly was down a little bit.  He is trapping gas in his belly.  The doctors would like to fortify with amino acids in my milk, because he needs to gain weight.  He needs to double his average daily weight gains.  Little guy!  He weighs 1089 g = 2lbs 6.5oz.  He is 14 inches long!  He looks really good.  His nose looks GREAT.   He has a new attending this week, Dr. Valentine.  I like her.  She had done a lot of research on kangaroo care.  She has a lot of really good information!  I'm totally fascinated with the kangaroo care.  As a mother, while holding baby, if baby's temperature needs to rise, our bodies warm up... if baby needs to cool down, our bodies drop temperature to cool down baby.  Oh, and so many more really neat things!

Austin will be on the ventilator, on very low settings, for about up to another week.  He needs to really start putting on the weight... that will help improve everything.  They are giving him 20 breathes per minute, and he's on average taking about 30+ breaths per minute on his own, and his oxygen is on about 36%-40%.  This is what needs to go down... the oxygen their giving him.  Once he "fattens up" a bit, his lung tissue will develop more and allow him to "hold on to" the oxygen better.

He's already much bigger from the "first time" I held him.

I did kangaroo care today for an hour and fifteen minutes.  I love him so much!  Its so awesome to hold him.  I am going to do it everyday!!!!  I'm glad he's back to himself enough that we are able to hold him again! 



  1. I love the pictures. You guys are doing great!

  2. My prayers are with you all... especially little Austin.. what a miracle..

  3. God bless you guys. You're pictures are so cute and he is precious! My aunt had her baby at 26 weeks in august and she took (what the hospital called kangaroo pics-with baby in her shirt) pictures just like yours. Her baby is now home with oxygen. I'm sharing this with you to assure to you that the time will come when you can have him home with you and he'll be as healthy as can be. God bless.

  4. I am so glad austin is doing well I am from babycenter and wanted to see how you guys were doing , thank god he is well and so are you remember even if we dont know eachother we are all mommy's and mommy's to be and want nothing but the best for your little boy to continue growing big and strong ,, with god on his side I am sure he will, by the way he is so beautiful. Take care Mommy ... Sincerely Annlex Arriagada..

  5. He's so cute
