Our little Miracle

Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meet Austin, my sweet little miracle... the first days

Austin Allen - He arrived 13 weeks and 5 days early, but has every bit of fight in him as a full term baby.  The size of a peanut, he's mighty strong.  He was born on Thursday, November 3, 2011, weighing in at 828 grams (1 lb 14oz).  He is the sweetest boy.  Dr. Amy Collins delivered Austin, and passed him off to an excellent group of NICU pediatricians.  Austin had a little bit of a rough start, needed a lot of assistance to begin his life, but has been defying the odds since! 

Austin started out on a ventilator, taking 28 of his 48 breathes on his own... the ventilator doing less than half of the work.  This impressed the doctors, along with his feisty attitude, strength, and "fight" that he had in him.  There were blood tests ordered to check for any signs of infection, and he was put on antibiotics as a precaution to the chance of infections.  After the first 24 hours, Austin doing awesome, the doctors took his ventilator out, and put Austin on the C-Pap (continuous positive airway pressure), which allows air to flow continuously through his nose to help keep his lungs open, with Austin breathing on his own.  He started out receiving 30% oxygen, and quickly proved to only need about 25%.  (The air we breathe is 21% oxygen, so he is only needed a small amount for an extra boost).  Austin started his feeds on day two as well.  He started out on 2ml's of breast milk.  Austin's blood work after the first 24 hours came back clean without any signs of infections.... Day one ... day two, we're exhausted, but are excited and confident of the positive progress Austin is already showing!!!

Lord, have mercy on this child and be with him at all times of need.  Give him the strength he needs everyday to grow and mature.  Give the doctors the knowledge needed to make the best decisions for Austin and his health.  Lord Jesus Christ, in Your name, we pray... AMEN.

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Its been 48 hours and Scotty and I go in for the morning rounds.  After a first attempt to get a picc line (a more stable, permanent IV ran through his arm into a main artery), failed Friday night, the doctors decide to try again today.  His blood work came back clean and no signs of infection and Austin is taken off of the antibiotic.  He is doing well with his feeds and with the C-Pap.  His sodium levels are high and he is a little dehydrated, so immediate goal is to figure out his electrolytes and lowering his sodium levels.  His bilirubin is 7.2 so he will begin the lights today.  I am to be discharged to go home today, but Scotty and I cannot leave until after they try to get the picc line in place.   It was a success.  They are able to get the picc line in place and have done xrays to verify its in place.  We are able to go home on a positive note.  Austin is doing so well... Our little peanut.  My mother and sister have come to town to stay and help out.   They visit Austin this night, and are amazed at how much bigger he is than they expected.  He is a little guy... ;o)   So this totally warmed my heart!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Austin is still doing excellent.  He looses a few grams in weight, to be expected by a newborn baby, and he's being pumped with fluids to help him out with his sodium, he is urinating a lot!!  He is starting to "calm down" and become comfortable with his new / imitation "womb".  He is on his lights for the second day, and I already notice a difference in his skin.  I think he looks like he's suited up for a motorcycle ride.  What do you think?

He looks like he has his sunglasses on and he's ready to hit the road!!

Today, the 6th is the first day I was able to hold Austin!  It is called Kangaroo care and helps the baby so much!  I love the skin to skin time we get!  Its amazing.  I did not anticipate getting to hold Austin this day, and forgot my camera.  My husband took a picture on his cell phone, so when I figure out how to post it from there, I will!!! The picture of my face in that photo speaks volumes as to how I felt!  Amazed!

Monday November 7, 2011
Today Austins sodium numbers are going down, but still need to fall a little lower.  Still have him on the extra fluids.  He has his first bowel movements today!!!  YAY!  His feeds are upped to 3ml's for his first four feeds and then up again to 4 ml's.  He does very well with his feeds and has gained just a few grams back!!!  Way to go Austin!!!  Keep up the good work buddy!  God is with you, my sweet baby!!!  Lets get those electrolytes figured out, and those sodium levels where they need to be!!!!!

Tuesday November 8, 2011
Today Scotty holds his second born son for the very first time.  Although this seems a little stressful and scary at first, he is able to relax and enjoy this time.  Austin loves his daddy and opens his eyes while daddy talks to him.  He is handling his feeds very well and continuing to have normal bowels and urination.  His sodium levels are still falling in numbers but have a little bit to go yet.  Yay, buddy!  You're doing awesome!!!


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