Austin is doing so well. I loved hanging out with him today. He is so content. He loves to just hang out and watch his mobile or watch what every one else is running around doing. He's a little nosey! :O)
He is 16 weeks old today. That is so crazy to me! 16 weeks. WOW. His weigh in is 9 pounds! ha ha! He is so big he has out grown the NICU's largest blood pressure cuff. They needed to get one from Children's Hospital. He is so chubby!!!! I love his chubby rolls!
Austin has sure done a number on his face.... he is constantly trying to "rip" everything off of his face. He has had enough, however he requires those tubes to be taped to his cheeks for food and for oxygen... if only he understood that. I clipped his nails today, but still had to put on mittens to keep him from scratching his poor cheeks. Chunks of skin, just digging underneath and pulling..... :o(
My little, chunky love is doing so well. I feel like his time has come!!! He is very comfortable at 3L flow and they will try to move him to 2L either tomorrow if he has a great night, or early Saturday morning. As long as he takes well to the change, we will introduce him to the breast this weekend!!!! That is HUGE!!! I am so excited, yet nervous as well. We start with a "dry" breast (pump first) and let him just get used to it and learn to latch. I hope he does well!!!! These are such HUGE milestones we are coming up on. I have been waiting for this moment!!!!
Last night, my older son, Drew, and I face timed with my husband and Austin. This is the first time Drew was really able to see and talk to Austin awake. He read him a book. It was cute. He would read a page and then lift up the book to show Austin the pictures. He also said Austin's bed time prayers with him before the chat ended. After wards he commented that he "thinks Austin liked the book!" AND I AGREE!! He was very interested in this "new" voice! It was a very special moment!!!!!!
I still cannot believe he is 9 pounds. So funny....
Many "thanks" to all of you for your continued thoughts and prayers!!!
Austin Allen Kimmey born 11/3/11 at 5:18a.m. He was born at 26 wks 2 days gestational, weighing in at 828 grams--approx. 1 lb 13oz. With this blog you will be able to check up on the progress Austin is making while in the NICU. He has quite a long stay ahead of him, but is such a strong little guy with so much life in him all ready! With the strength and power of GOD, Austin is a miracle, just working on getting home!
Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40
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