Our little Miracle

Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40

Monday, April 30, 2012

March for Babies, 4/29/2012

What a wonderful event to be a part of!  I had a great team of 17, walking in honor of my sweet little Austin!  We raised $3009!!!!!!!  Woo Hoo!  Not bad for our first walk!  I can not wait until next years walk!!!!  We are team Twenty-six (+2)..... Austins gestational age at birth!  It was a great time!  It was very heart warming to see so many thousands of people walking for such a wonderful, (and close to my heart), cause!   There were many shirts with birth and death dates, angel wings.. young kids in wheelchairs or with feeding tubes.... It really shook me to my core...  I have been so very blessed!!!
Mommy and Big Brother

Twenty-six (+2).... I walk for Austin

Thousands getting ready to WALK for BABIES

My days with Austin home are becoming much easier everyday.  He still doesn't eat very well, but it seems to be getting a little bit better.  He slept great last night.... which in turn means I slept great last night!  I did an oxygen test today - which means, I took him off of his oxygen support for one hour to see how he does.  The doctors do not want his sats to drop below 85.  Well, good news.  He did GREAT.  His sats did not go below 95.  This does not mean he will be coming off oxygen soon.  Its just something to check to see how he is doing.  He did not start to act uncomfortable or seem to be working harder, so that is all very good.  I do believe he still works hard to breath while eating, crying, and after baths.  He actually holds very good sats while sleeping and on his back, which according to the doctor is when babies seem to need a little more support.  I cant wait for all the tuning and wires to be gone, but I do not want him rushed, or pushed to get off of them too soon. 

Austin is over his cold and he did very well with it.  I am so glad he handled it well!!!  My older son seems to be getting over his cough, he still has the sniffles... but what 1st grader doesn't!!! 

I finally caved and asked for help..... Everyone offers, "if you need anything"..... SO I ASKED..... I asked for help with pulling weeds in my flower beds, since I cannot go outside with Austin.... LOL      Thank you to my fabulous sister, I no longer have dandelions growing all over the front of my house!!!!!!

I again thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.  I am feeling much better since my last post.  I do still find it hard to see some of the exciting on goings around me, but what do you expect... I am stuck inside 24/7 - although I wouldn't trade having Austin here for anything in the world!!!!!

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