Our little Miracle

Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter...from Austin the Bunny!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter... the day Jesus rose from the dead.... just as He said he would!  Hallelujah!

We were confined to the indoors... with Austin having his CLD and such premature age, we will not be taking him out of the house other than for appointments... so whats this mean?  Mommy plays dress up with Austin!!!!!  We came across some adorable bunny ears in my older son's room and I found a onesie before Austin came home for his 1st Easter!

HA HA!!! I love it!!!!!  

We have all really adjusted to the "new" way of things.  The big adjustment is just around the corner.... Drew's baseball games begin....  My husband and I will have to take turns going to the games, as we can not take Austin out.  The doctors suggest that since our older son Drew has allergies, its more likely that Austin will, so that its best to stay in doors.  Bummer!  ~~ Then again, anything that will help his journey be easier is such a small sacrifice! 

Drew is so adorable with his baby brother.  He loves to help out, well most of the time.  He talks to him constantly... he randomly stops what he's doing to just walk over and give him a kiss... finger puppet shows.  Its so awesome.

Today Austin gets his synagis shot for April.  I will admit, I am a little bit nervous, as history shows, Austin does not like shots, and seems to have episodes... Ey, ey,ey.  Thoughts and prayers for us today....  :o/

My sister Holly came to visit and help out the last weekend of March.  My husband went to the Final Four games and we were delighted that she was able to come and visit.  This was her first time meeting Austin! She loves him so!  I will post pics in the future... I haven't had a chance to download the pictures.  Austin had his eye exam last week.  It is still the same.  Vessels are mature and fine in his right eye, most have fully matured in left eye, but there is still a small notch on the exterior... if this does not progress, it may affect his peripheral vision.  The docs are keeping an eye on it! 

I hope that everyone is doing well!!!!  Thanks, as always, for your continued prayers and support!  xoxo

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