Austin has been doing wonderful! I have finally let go of the stress focused on him eating, and am able to just enjoy Austin! Life is good!!!
Austin turned 6 months old on the third. We did a little photo shoot... just the two of us. It was fun! I can't wait until he can sit on his own, bc I have so many fun ideas for pictures!!!! I will post a few at the end of this post.... so continue reading!
Austin and I went on our first walk ever, out doors last Friday, the 11th. It was so beautiful outside. Low humidity and good air quality... I called the doctors and was given the "go ahead" for a walk. Something we both needed and really enjoyed!!! We have only taken one other walk, the humidity levels have been too high for his little lungs. That's okay... we are working on a lot these days anyway!
Austin had his developmental evaluation on Monday. He did FANTASTIC!!! He is right where he needs to be and even "advanced" in a few areas. He then rolled over from belly to back on Tuesday, and Thursday he rolled from his back to belly! I cant believe it.... he is only considered a 3 month old... per development. SO HE IS SO AHEAD!!!! YAY AUSTIN!!!!!! He slept a lot this week.... Signs he's growing and hitting milestones! Today he chuckled out loud. I was tickling him and playing with him and he chuckled!!!! He is so fun! I am so proud of this little man! He is wonderful! Although he never had brain bleeds, he did have MANY episodes and was deprived of oxygen during those moments.... thus leaving me a little bit concerned.... but his activity level and the milestones he's already reached... i don't feel as worried any longer!!! It feels so good to be so stress free! Its been a long time!
My older son has really been enjoying his little brother! It is so fun to watch! Austin and Drew will be life long buddies!
Austin has met my dad too. That was exciting for me! and for my Dad!
I am just bouncing around, I know it.... but I am trying to get everything that's happened out there...
Austin is also sleeping in his crib - no longer the bassinet.... and he is sleeping through the night. I lay him in bed by 10 every night and he falls asleep with out fussing within 15 minutes. He is wonderful! He has been sleeping until about 6:30. Its great! I do feed him around 11:30 at night... a little night cap! :o)
Well we continue to pray for Austin and for each others strength and understanding through out this journey. He is still on oxygen, but breathing better. I notice that his retractions seem to be much better. I take him off the O2 for one hour a day... in which he has never failed! The Sats have not dropped below 95. Another good sign he is doing well. I do not anticipate him coming off oxygen (so many ask me WHEN)... but perhaps we'll start weening some of his day time use of the oxygen. We go to HR next week.
Austin has been steadily gaining weight. He is slowly gaining, but his pediatrician is happy with his progress. He currently weighs 12 lbs. He is int he 25 percentile for 3 month old babies *he is followed by his adjusted age- which is based off of his due date*. I am happy with that! My husband, my older son and i are all small... Austin is too!!!!
I hope to be able to sit down to update more often then I have been.... I think letting go of so much stress and now having a routine will help a lot!!! Thanks for keeping up with Austin!!!!
Isn't he so sweet!!!!
Austin Allen Kimmey born 11/3/11 at 5:18a.m. He was born at 26 wks 2 days gestational, weighing in at 828 grams--approx. 1 lb 13oz. With this blog you will be able to check up on the progress Austin is making while in the NICU. He has quite a long stay ahead of him, but is such a strong little guy with so much life in him all ready! With the strength and power of GOD, Austin is a miracle, just working on getting home!
Our little Miracle
"And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." ~Luke 2:40